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Changing the world

Yellow 3D Printed Shape

The Technology


3D printing is an innovative technology that lets you create a physical object from a digital model. It started in the 80’s under the name ‘rapid prototyping’ because this was the purpose of the technology: to prototype faster and cheaper. A lot’s changed since then, and today 3D printers offer amazing results and let you create anything you can imagine.


3D printing is also called additive manufacturing, because unlike the traditional subtractive manufacturing, 3D printing doesn’t remove material, it adds it, layer after layer.


In order to print something, first you’ll need a 3D model of the object you want to create, which you can design in a 3D modeling program, or use a 3D scanner to scan the object you want to print.

Printers and Material

All the parts have been 3D printed with the best materials and details possible. In our shop we dedicated to find the most accurate design to make your experience better. All the products are print in PLA (Good for the environment). We offer our product at the best price.


In our print shop we have more than 8 different printers and 10 types of filaments that we test with each of the products to make sure that you are getting the best quality.




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